Saturday, September 29, 2012

Vitiligo cure with vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo cure and vitiligo treatment is the priority topic for the people who or there loved ones are affected from vitiligo skin disorder. Many Doctors,Herbalist, Intellectuals, Dermatologist and researchers have give their expert views about both vitiligo cure and vitiligo treatment.

In the today's modern era the scientists and researchers starts following a new trend to find out the treatment for vitiligo.  The modern scientist and researchers are following the trend to find out the natural treatment for diseases like vitiligo that causes are not fully understood. This new trend is becoming popular in many western countries including United States and UK.  New researches are in the way to find out the remedy for the vitiligo. The latest researches on vitiligo are being held in international recognized universities of the World.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What is Vitiligo ?

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that causes patches of white skin to appear on different parts of the body.  It can occur in anyone, and affects all races and both genders equally. Worldwide, about 100 million people suffer from this condition and its prevalence in the United States is estimated to be around 1%.
What Cases Vitiligo?
In vitiligo, the cells responsible for giving the skin's its color (the melanocytes) are destroyed, hence the appearance of white patches. There may be several factors that can cause these cells to be destroyed, and sometimes the exact cause is unknown. It is believed that vitiligo may be an autoimmune disease, which causes the immune system to start attacking the melanocytes. It can also arise due to a disorder in the melanocytes themselves, causing them to trigger pathways that result in 'cell suicide'. Some researchers also believe that sunburn and chronic stress can cause vitiligo.

Symptoms of Vitiligo
The main symptoms of vitiligo are white patches on the skin. These patches often spread and become larger with time. The rate of spreading is highly variable - some people report very quick spreading while in others they spread slowly over several years. These patches tend to be found mostly on the areas that are exposed to the sun, such as the hands, feet, face and around the lips. However, they are also commonly found in the armpits and groin, at the navel, in the genital area, and at the nostrils. In addition, people with vitiligo often suffer from early graying of the hair.
Diagnosis of Vitiligo
White patches of skin are tell-tale signs of vitiligo, but there are other factors that confirm this diagnosis. These include whether the patient has a parent who suffers from vitiligo, whether autoimmune diseases run in the family, and whether the patient experienced grey hair before the age of 35. Sometimes, a biopsy and a blood test will be used to rule out other medical conditions.

Vitiligo Treatment

Vitiligo is a skin disorder affecting about 100 million persons worldwide. It is characterized by white patches of skin on different areas of the body, caused by a destruction of the melanocytes, the pigment-producing cells. Current medical treatment for vitiligo includes medications and surgery. Unfortunately, all treatments are notoriously ineffective, associated with a high risk of side effects and are often unaffordable for most people.
Medical Treatments
Medical treatments include topical steroid therapy, psoralen photochemotherapy, and depigmentation therapy.
In topical steroid therapy, you are required to use steroid creams on the white patches of the skin, and this is supposed to help the skin re-pigment itself. Doctors recommend that you use these creams at least for 3 months before any improvement can be expected to be seen. However, these creams are associated with a number of side effects and are not generally recommended for children or for patches of white skin occurring on the face, armpits or genital region.

In psoralen photochemotherapy, ultraviolet light is used to re-pigment the white patches, in conjunction with psoralen cream or oral medications. This is extremely time-consuming and you will need to undergo bi- or tr-weekly sessions at a specialized clinic for several weeks or months. This type of treatment is associated with a number of severe side effects, including an increased risk of skin cancer, severe sunburn, blistering of the skin, and eye damage.
If your vitiligo is extensive, you may opt to have the rest of your skin de-pigmented, so that it matches the colour of the vitiligo-affected parts. De-pigmentation involves the use of chemicals that basically bleach the skin. Side-effects include inflammation, itchy and dry skin, and extreme sensitivity to sunlight.

Ntural Vitiligo Treatment-The Vitiligo Cure That Doctors Don't Want you To Discover

Vitiligo is a skin disorder that causes white patches of skin to appear on different parts of the body. Common areas include the body parts most exposed to the sun (such as the hands, face and feet) as well as areas such as the armpits and the genital region. The patches tend to spread, sometimes very slowly over a number of years and sometimes in a matter of days.
Vitiligo affects about 100 million people worldwide. In the United States and Europe, the prevalence is estimated to be about 1% of the population. It affects all races and both genders equally.
Medical treatments for vitiligo are notoriously expensive, ineffective and associated with a high risk of side effects. Unfortunately, this people with this condition are often desperate for a cure, and are willing to pay any price tag, even when they are told about the problems and limitations of the therapies. Every year, the pharmaceutical industry keeps coming up with new, more expensive and still ineffective therapies. And, the profits for the industry keep increasing…

In fact, according to, in 2011 the vitiligo therapeutics market was estimated to be worth $1.4 billon. By 2019, it is estimated that this market will grow to $2.7 billion, in other words, doubling the profit and this already lucrative niche.
Knowing this, if I had to tell you that there was a way to cure vitiligo naturally, without using any medications, special therapy or surgery…would you be surprised that no doctor is telling you about it? Of course not! In fact, each patient that a doctor treats for vitiligo brings in on average $2,000 to $4,000 yearly, making them one of the most profitable patients to have.
Well, guess what, there is such a cure! And it only involves the use of herbal extracts, vitamin supplementation and some dietary and lifestyle changes.
And that's not all. You see, this is not 'new', or 'cutting-edge' research. Not at all - in fact, medical scientists have published reports about how they cured vitiligo in just a few weeks using only natural extracts and nutrients as early as the 1980s! And again in the 1990s, there were several reports by Swedish doctors about how a single herb and/or vitamin supplementation can halt the spread of vitiligo immediately and cure it completely in a matter of weeks with zero side effects.

Vitiligo FAQ

What is Vitiligo? Vitiligo is a skin condition characterized by loss of pigment; this results in white patches appearing on the skin and mucus membranes.
Who Is At Risk Of Developing Vitiligo?Anyone can develop vitiligo and both genders have an equal chance of getting vitiligo. All races exhibit a similar prevalence of this condition. However, you are more likely of developing vitiligo if a parent has it, if you or someone in your family has an autoimmune condition (such as hyperthyroidism), and if you experienced graying of hair before the age of 35.
What Is The Prevalence of Vitiligo? Vitiligo affects 1 to 2% of the population worldwide and it is estimated that between two to five million Americans have the condition. Generally, vitiligo develops between the ages of 10 to 30.
What Causes Vitiligo? The symptoms of vitiligo arise because the melanocytes (the cells that produce pigment which gives the skin its color) are either destroyed or stop functioning. What causes this to happen is still debatable - it may be the result of an autoimmune reaction, genetics, or possibly an event such as sunburn or emotional stress.

Is Vitiligo Contagious? No, vitiligo is not contagious.
What Are the Symptoms of Vitiligo? People with vitiligo exhibit irregular white patches on different parts of the body, and these patches of grow bigger with time. Usually, the first white patches appear on the face, lips, hands, arms and feet. Later, they spread to other areas including the armpits, eyes, genitals and nostrils. Loss of pigment can also result in the eyes and hair.
How Is Vitiligo Diagnosed? A doctor will diagnose vitiligo by doing a physical examination, taking a patient's history and possibly carrying out a biopsy and/or blood test to rule out other conditions.
How Is Vitiligo Treated? Conventional medical treatments for vitiligo include: UV light therapy re-pigmentation, corticosteroids (oral or topical), skin grafting, skin tattooing, and in extensive cases of vitiligo, de-pigmentation of the rest of the skin to match the color of the affected skin.

White Patches on Skin-Vitiligo

White patches on skin are a characteristic symptom of vitiligo, a skin disorder that causes the destruction and/or malfunction of the pigment-producing cells. Often these patches are present on the body parts that are most exposed to the sun, such as the arms, hands, legs, feet and face. White patches can also occur at the navel, armpits and genital region. In addition, persons with vitiligo typically exhibit early greying of the hair. It is estimated that 1% of the USA's population have vitiligo, and in total around 100 million people worldwide suffer from this condition.
It is still not known for sure what causes vitiligo. The main theory is that vitiligo is an autoimmune disease, which results in the body's immune system attacking the melanocytes (pigment-producing cells). In fact, people with another autoimmune disease such as hyperthyroidism and adrenocortical insufficiency are more likely to suffer from vitiligo. Some researchers also believe that events such as severe sunburn, certain medications, and emotional stress can trigger vitiligo. In addition, there appears to be a genetic component as well.

There are a number of treatment options for vitiligo; however, all suffer from high rates of ineffectiveness and risk of side effects. Furthermore, most are long-term therapies (e.g. PUVA therapy requires bi- or tri- weekly visits to a specialized clinic for weeks or months) and are not generally paid for by insurance companies. This often makes these treatments too expensive for most patients.
One of the most basic treatments is topical steroid therapy, which involves the use of steroid cream on the white patches of the skin. This may help to re-pigment the skin; however, results come very slowly (after several months). In addition, steroids are associated with a number of side effects, including a weakened immune system and skin irritation. A more advanced treatment involves photochemotherapy in combination with oral or topical psoralen. Although this approach is generally more effective than steroid therapy, it is also much more time-consuming, expensive and is associated with severe side effects including skin burns, eye damage and skin cancer. There are also a number of surgical therapies for vitiligo, such as skin grafting. Again, this is not always effective as the graft may be rejected. Surgical procedures can also have complications such as infections, scarring, and 'cobblestoned' skin appearance.